The Department of Family Medicine
Best care upon first contact
The Department of Family Medicine was established at the American University of Beirut in 1979. The University’s five year academic development plan published that year, considered establishing a Family Medicine training program as priority. The need for student and resident training in primary care was perceived as critical to serving the people of Lebanon and the region.
Setting up the program was delegated to a group led by Dr. Haroutune Armenian. A physician and epidemiologist by training, Dr. Armenian’s zest, insight and leadership skills proved critical to the success of this department and its sister program in Bahrain. He coordinated the work of the team in both Beirut and Manama. An elaborate plan was developed and help solicited from Drs. Vincent Hunt from Rhode Island and Hiram Curry from South Carolina among others. Dr. Caesar Shediac, an endocrinologist by training, was recruited to implement this plan. Numerous family & community medicine teachers helped build the program in later years: Drs. Nadim Karam, Marius Chagoury, Samir Sidani, Mustafa Khogali, Najib Abu Haidar, Jinan Usta, Malek Makarem, Nabil Sharara, Ghassan Hamadeh and many others.
Our current faculty and staff take pride in carrying the torch and realizing the vision of the founding group: A training program that graduates competent family physicians able to provide best care upon first contact; a program that leads in family medicine training in the region and since 1995, a program that delivers comprehensive affordable care to AUB’s community of students, staff and their dependents through the University Health Services.
This website shares with our patients, students, residents and colleagues some of our activities and achievements. I particularly invite you to visit the Wellness section to learn about our most recent services in that area.
Wishing you a healthy and fruitful life.
Ghassan Hamadeh, MD, CPE
Chair, Family Medicine