AUBMC has the oldest and largest residency training program in the nation. The Obstetrics & Gynecology residency training program at AUBMC has been training residents for more than 50 years. Our program is fully ACGME-I accredited. It consists of four-years of training in Obstetrics and Gynecology with five residents per year, providing various educational opportunities.
Our residency program is one of the few in the country that provides the unique combination of evidence-based obstetric and gynecologic practice, diverse patient populations at university and governmental hospitals, and active faculty involvement in a stimulating academic environment.
Our department is recognized nationally as a leader in patient care, education, and research. Our residency program is dedicated to excellence in resident education. It provides an extensive range of experience in comprehensive women's health care, as well as an in-depth, focused concentration in approved subspecialities.
Our goal is to produce kind clinicians with an outstanding fund of knowledge, a strong theoretic base, and expert clinical skills to serve the community at large. Our residents' growth into accomplished obstetrics and gynecology specialists begins from day one. As part of their learning experience, residents are expected to teach each other and to supervise and teach medical students. We also nurture residents to become skillful researchers with curious minds to find answers to a range of clinical questions.
Our ultimate objective is to prepare young physicians in order for them to excel no matter the career path they choose.
Feel free to browse the remainder of our website for further information on the residency, our educational program, its faculty and residents.
Dina Chamsy, MD
Residency Program Director