Performance management is a joint program intended to advance AUBMC mission and vision by aligning individual employee contributions with the medical center’s goals. It represents a joint collaboration effort between a supervisor and an employee to utilize the concepts of coaching, supporting, and developing.
Performance management is not a yearly task; however, it is based on an on-going process which leads to the employee’s appraisal based on
- Planning work, setting expectations (standards and competencies), and determining goals
- Continually monitoring and documenting
- Coaching and developing employees’ skills in order to reach their full potential
- Evaluating performance through the probationary, mid- year, or yearly performance appraisal
- Communicating an employee’s ratings based on his/ her performance
- Rewarding good performance
Performance Planning
The first stage of the Performance Management cycle is a performance plan. Performance planning is a way of communicating performance expectations to employees in order to direct their effort towards achieving organizational objectives.
The first stage requires updating individual goals, standards and competencies of the employee. At this stage, it is of major importance that the performance plan be communicated to the employee to clarify what is expected of each individual and explain how goals might be attained.
Goals specify desired achievements that improve the way in which a job is done.
Standards describe, in measurable terms, the results that indicate that an employee in the position has properly performed the particular essential functions.
Competencies are the knowledge, skills, and abilities that are essential to the performance of a job.
Performance Appraisal
The second stage of the cycle is the Performance Appraisal. At this stage, the employee’s performance is measured against the goals, standards and competencies indicated in an employee’s performance plan and accordingly, an appraisal rating for an overall performance is assigned.
The Performance Appraisal is divided across five different stages:
- Employee Review
- First Level Leader Review
- Second Level Leader Review
- Employee Meeting
- Archive
The Performance Appraisal follows a rating scale of 1 to 5:
1: Unsatisfactory / Fails to meet standards
2: Needs improvement
3: Proficient / Meets standards
4: Excels / Exceeds standards
5: Significantly and consistently exceeds expectations / Significantly and consistently exceeds
Performance Meeting
The Performance Meeting is the third stage of the Performance Management Cycle. It is important at this stage that the employee and the first level supervisor are in agreement on the ratings and overall performance. The first level supervisor should go over the appraisal and discuss any points that need to be dwelled on. In case the employee has any concern, it should be addressed on the spot.
Development Plan
The Development Plan is the last and most essential stage in the cycle since it develops employees for future roles and responsibilities as well as pinpoints areas which need improvement. Moreover, it provides an opportunity for the manager/ supervisor and employee to jointly identify training and development needs.