Mailing Address
American University of Beirut Medical Center
PO Box: 11-0236
Riad El Solh, Beirut 1107 2020
Beirut - Lebanon -
Location: Cairo Street, Hamra, Beirut, Lebanon
Telephone: +961-1-350000
Fax: +961-1-345325
Email: aubmc@aub.edu.lb

Visiting Hours
Medical Surgical Units, Critical Care Units, and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit:
Mornings: from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Evenings: from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Visitors are allowed one at a time and for approximately 10 minutes.
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
No visiting hours, only companions to be present.
Security officers across the Medical Center will restrict the entrance of all visitors to official visitation hours.
For the welfare and comfort of our patients, it is necessary to strictly enforce the following regulations. Your cooperation is appreciated.
- For safety reasons, it is recommended that visitors do not remain when mothers are feeding their babies.
- For their own protection and by order of the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health, children less than 13 years of age are not permitted to visit patients.
- The presence of a large number of visitors inside the rooms and corridors will definitely create discomfort for the patients and in many cases, will hinder the movement of the medical team. Consequently, this presence might reflect badly on the patient's condition. For the patient's interest and comfort, the number of visitors and the visiting time should not exceed two visitors per patient for ten minutes only.
- Encourage relatives and friends to defer their visits until the patient returns home.
- If you are a patient not in a private room or suite, and your medical condition permits, please invite your guests to join you in the lounge to avoid disturbing the other patient in the room.
- Relatives and family should not go to the operating room with the patient; they should wait in the patient's room.
- Food restrictions: visitors are asked not to bring food for the patient.
- No visitors are allowed beyond visiting hours.
* The above regulations are subject to regular changes depending on specific circumstances and COVID-19 pandemic.
Overnight Visitors
- Relatives are not allowed to stay overnight, except in cases of critically ill patients.
- For pediatric patients, one parent is allowed to stay with her/his child. We encourage the parent to remain in the child's room.
- If you wish to request a guest bed, please do so as early as possible to ensure availability.
- Guest beds are charged at a daily rate.
- No overnight visitors are allowed in the Coronary Care Unit, Cardiac Surgery Unit, Intensive Care Unit, or Delivery Suite.
* The above regulations are subject to regular changes depending on specific circumstances and COVID-19 pandemic.
Important Information
Smoking Policy
With the health and well-being of our patients as a priority, AUBMC was a pioneer in becoming a smoke-free institution on March 1, 1993. Please respect this policy and refrain from smoking anywhere in the Medical Center.
For the safety of patients, balloons are not allowed in any area of AUBMC.
Flowers and other get-well gifts are and not allowed in patients' rooms and in high risk areas such as intensive care units, cardiac surgery units, oncology units, emergency units, etc. especially after the outburst of COVID-19.
Food Provided by the Family
Food should not be brought into AUBMC. When all means of satisfaction with AUBMC's meal service are exhausted, you may consult your nurse, who will secure a doctor's order for food to be brought in.
Food Services
Food at AUBMC is carefully selected and prepared by our Food Services Department. Patients receive their meals based on orders prepared by their physicians. Please let the nursing staff know if you have specific needs regarding your meals, so that the Food Services Department can attend to those needs. Patients who require special nutritional care are visited by a dietitian.
Guest Meals
If your family would like to have a meal by your side, then a guest tray can be requested from the nurse. It is directly charged on your bill.
Guest/Visitor Dining
There are multiple options for visitors and families of patients to eat or drink while at AUBMC. They are:
AUBMC Cafeteria:
Located on Level 2 of the main Medical Center entrance*
* Due to COVID-19 pandemic, currently the cafeteria is only restricted for staff.
Coffee Shop:
Located in the lobby of the main entrance to the Medical Center and run by the Women's Auxiliary
Casper and Gambini at Med Café:
Located on the corner of Maamari and Abdel Aziz Streets in the plaza of the Saab Medical Library
Café Younis
Located in level 2, second floor of the Main Medical Center Building and in the lobby of the Halim and Aida Daniel Academic and Clinical (Daniel ACC) Building
Cellular Phones
Cellular phones are prohibited in critical care areas (Coronary Care Unit, Intensive Care Unit, Emergency Department, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Basile-In, and Delivery Suites) and in rooms where patients are on life support equipment.
Noise Reduction
AUBMC endorses a noise reduction environment and, thus, encourages its patients and visitors to uphold a calm and favorable atmosphere.
Patient Affairs Office
Your Comments
Your suggestions, comments, and compliments are welcome at the Patient Affairs Office or at the Suggestion Boxes.
AUBMC, Main Hospital Building, 1st floor, room 133
Hours of Operation
8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday
Outside of regular working hours, our Patient Advocates are more than willing to help on their mobile phones.
Contact Us
Patient Affairs Office: +961-1-350-000, ext. 6406- 6443-6438
Patient Advocacy: +961-3-956-856, +961-70-628-728
Information Desk: +961-1-350-000, ext. 6360
Donations support the development of AUBMC.
Numerous contributions have been made to AUBMC over the past several years. These donations have enabled the medical center to continue to provide advanced medical care to its patients.
Donors who wish to contribute to AUBMC can contact the Office of Development, College Hall AUB, 3rd Floor, telephone +961 1 340 176 or through AUB,
+961 1 350 000, ext. 2530.
Thank you very much for your philanthropy and support.
Blood Bank: Donate Blood
In emergency situations, the Blood Bank will provide blood to critical patients, but it relies on you to replace the blood for the welfare of other patients.
If you are to undergo surgery, you are reminded of the need to review your blood transfusion requirements with your surgeon or the Blood Bank.
For further information and guidance, please call +961 1 350 000 or
+961 1 340 460, ext. 5228/9. The Blood Bank is located on the 3rd floor of AUBMC, room E-374.
Grateful Patient Fund
The Grateful Patient Fund has been created for AUBMC patients who are eager to demonstrate their appreciation by making a donation. The proceeds from the Grateful Patient Fund will be used to provide financial assistance to needy patients and will also benefit other AUBMC programs.
If you wish to donate, please pass by the main cashier located on the 1st floor and drop your donation in the designated safe box, or call the Patient Affairs Office ext. 5306 for assistance.
Organ Donation
If you know a family member who is willing or if you are willing to donate a body organ during life or after death, you may contact the Transplant Procurement Manager through pager 1632. The organ donation at the American University of Beirut Medical Center is coordinated with the National Organization for Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation
(NOOTDT) (www.nootdt.org).
The Bargain Box
The Bargain Box accepts clothing and other items for resale. All profits made by the bargain box are dedicated to the Social Services Department for helping needy patients.
Opening hours
9:00 am to 12:00 noon, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
Saab Medical Library Plaza-next to Casper and Gambini café.
ext. 6156
COVID-19 Medical Center
Safety Precautions
For the safety of the patients and staff, below are some of the covid-19 precaution measures applied at AUBMC:
Restricted access plan: Courtesy and security officers at all AUBMC entrance desks check visitors for temperature and wearing masks before accessing AUBMC premises.
No visitors are allowed to inpatient units except in specific circumstances.
Patients coming for their appointment to the specialty clinics are not allowed to have any companion except in specific circumstances.
Restricted number of people are allowed to enter the elevators.
Glass shields have been installed at all desks in all specialty clinics and in the Emergency Department.
Cafeteria access is restricted to staff only following physical distancing precaution measures.
Telehealth video visits are available for patients to consult their physicians from the comfort of their home.