On Sep 27, 2018, we will be organizing the first medical competition in Lebanon, named "First Medical Competition: Survival of the Wittiest!".
This video documents interviews with Dr. Mohamad Sayegh, Executive Vice President & Raja N. Khuri Dean of the AUB Faculty of Medicine and with Dr. Kamal Badr, Associate Dean for Medical Education at the AUB Faculty of Medicine.
Teams of two students can register free of charge at http://bit.ly/2018MC1. The deadline for registration is on August 17, 2018.
Students can be from the same university or different universities. Students from different classes can also team up. Students in all medical schools in Lebanon can participate in the competition. Interns and residents are excluded.
All questions will be asked in the form of multiple-choice questions. The competition is formed of two Rounds:
Round One: all teams will answer 10 multiple-choice questions using programmed clickers. Each correct question is worth 10 points. Teams answering at least 5/10 questions correctly will participate in the second round.
Round Two: qualified teams from Round 1 will answer 8 multiple-choice questions using programmed clickers. Each correct question is worth 10 points and the top five fastest teams with the correct answer will get additional bonus points. Points from Round 1 are carried to Round 2. Teams with the largest number of points at the end of Round 2 will win the competition. In case of a tie, a Sudden-Death Round will decide the winner.
Questions will be prepared by a committee of medical doctors from AUBMC. Some of the questions will cover diagnostic medicine presented to students in a case-based and OSCE format. Some cases will be videotaped and played during the competition before such questions. Topics will cover basic sciences, general surgery, family medicine, OB/GYN, pediatrics, and psychiatry.
Monetary cash awards will be $3,000, $2,000, $1,000, and $500 for the first ranked four teams plus valuable additional educational prizes and a celebration dinner for all participants.
To watch the full interview, click here.