In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is crucial to focus on maintaining the holistic wellbeing of all healthcare workers. In fact, the chaos of this outbreak underscores the challenge that healthcare workers face in prioritizing their own wellness in the face of limited resources, often brutal hours, and seemingly endless demands on their bandwidth. Unfortunately, all healthcare workers are bearing a disproportionate burden of this pandemic.
Accordingly, the Health and Wellness Center at the Family Medicine Department launched their COVID-19 Wellness Campaign entitled “During COVID-19, Your Wellness Matters As Well”. This campaigns aims to guide the AUB community members on ways to lead a healthy lifestyle and maintain their wellbeing amid the current situation and to provide them with the required evidence-based wellness resources. The campaign includes weekly health tips and videos tackling various wellness dimensions; online yoga, mindfulness meditation, breathing and aerobics classes; music breaks at COVID unit; recognizing birthdays of COVID unit staff; and providing smoking cessation counseling, medications and Nicotine Replacement Therapy to all staff at the COVID unit who are smokers.